
Group head-Jianghui GENG

Date:[2020-07-30] Clicks:[7927]


Work address    GNSS Research Center                  

                                Wuhan University

                                Luoyu Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan, 430079, China

            +86 177-6257-8656 (mobile) / +1 858-822-4472 (work)


Languages          Chinese (native), English (fluent)                                   


    Jianghui Geng, Professor and Director of Satellite Navigation and Positioning Technology Research Center of Wuhan University. He graduated from the School of surveying and Mapping of Wuhan University in 2004 and received his doctorate in satellite geodesy from the University of Nottingham in 2011. 2010 German Geoscience Research Center visiting scientist, 2011 British Engineering Science Council EPSRC Innovation researcher, 2012 American Cecil H. & Ida M. Green Geoscience Foundation Green scholar. He studied the theory and method of GNSS precision single point positioning for a long time. He has won the title of New Navigator of the Royal Navigation Association, the Outstanding thesis Award of the American Navigation Association, the Outstanding Foreign Student Award of the National study abroad Council of China, the Outstanding Achievement Award of Scientific Research in Colleges and Universities of the Ministry of Education and the second prize of National Scientific and technological Progress. Presiding over the national key R & D projects and the international cooperation projects of the Natural Science Foundation. Served as chairman of the IAG working group and GPS solutions, Remote Sensing editorial board and so on.

Professional experiences

· 2015, Professor in Satellite Geodesy

GNSS Research Center, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China

· 2012-2015, Cecil H. and Ida M. Green Scholar and Postdoctoral Researcher
Mentored by Dr. Yehuda Bock
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, USA.

· 2011, Enterprise research fellow
funded by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)


· 2007-2010, Ph.D. of Engineering Surveying and Space Geodesy, University of Nottingham, UK
Supervisor: Prof. Alan H. Dodson, Dr. Xiaolin Meng, Prof. Norman Teferle
Thesis title: Rapid integer ambiguity resolution in GPS precise point positioning

Fellowships and Grants

· 2018-2022, National Science Foundation of China (China-Chile Joint Program),  (PI)

· 2017-2018, China Earthquake Instrument Development Project (Y201707),  (Co-PI)

· 2017-2020, National Science Foundation of China (41674033), (PI)

       · 2015-2019, Government fellowship,  (PI)

· 2016-2018, Overseas Talent Program by Wuhan University,  (PI)

· 2012-2013, Cecil H. and Ida M. Green Scholar fellowship by Scripps Institution of Oceanography, (PI)

       · 2011, Enterprise fellowship by the University of Nottingham (PI)

Selected awards & scholarships since 2004

      · “ChuTian Scholar” prize awarded by Hubei Province, P.R. China, 2014

      · Green Scholar awarded by the Cecil H. and Ida M. Green Foundation for Earth Sciences, 2012-2013.

· Prize for the scientific & technological progress awarded by Chinese Government, 2011.

       · Enterprise fellowship prize awarded by the University of Nottingham, 2011

· Prize for the scientific & technological progress awarded by Ministry of Education of China, 2010

· Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad, 2009

· Best student paper prize by Institute of Navigation, US, 2009

       · Graduate School Travel Grants awarded by University of Nottingham, UK, 2009

· New Navigator prize awarded by Royal Institute of Navigation, UK, 2008

       · Full PhD scholarship by University of Nottingham, UK, 2007-2010

· First prize of Trimble Scholarship by Trimble company, 2006

· First prize for best BSc dissertation, Hubei province, 2004

· Ten Most Excellent Young Students by Wuhan University, 2004

Invited Lectures

· Invited talk at Peking University and China Earthquake Administration, 2016

· Invited talk at University of Science and Technology of China, 2016

· Invited talk at CSNC 2016 Changsha 2016

· Invited talk at IGS workshop 2014

· Invited talk at UNAVCO Science Workshop, Broomfield, Colorado, 2014

· Invited poster at the 3rd International Working Group on Rotational Seismology, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2013

· Invited talk at the Geospatial Symposium by California Spatial Reference Center, San Diego, USA, 2013

· Invited talk at EUREF 2012 Symposium, Saint Mandé, France, 2012

· Invited talk at Department of Geomatics Engineering of University of Calgary, Canada, 2012

· Invited talk at IGS workshop on GNSS Biases, University of Bern, Switzerland, 2012

· Invited talk at GNSS research center of Wuhan University, China, 2011, 2012

· Invited guest scientist to Helmholtz Centre of GeoForschungsZentrum, Potsdam, Germany, 2010

· Invited talk at School of Geographical and Earth Sciences of University of Glasgow, UK, 2009

· Invited talk at General Assembly of European Geosciences Union, 2009

Teaching experiences

· Graduate courses (English): GNSS Positioning and Navigation Theories since 2016

· Reviewed and marked two master theses at Nottingham Geospatial Institute, 2011

· Developed independently a master course “advanced precise point positioning” at Nottingham Geospatial Institute, 2011

· Taught a master course “Kalman filtering” at Nottingham Geospatial Institute, 2010

· Advised an undergraduate Richard Scott for his thesis “The use of precise point positioning in engineering applications”, 2010

· Supervised the fieldwork of more than 50 undergraduate students, 2008.

Membership and Service

    ·  Session chairs for ION Technical Meeting, AGU Fall Meeting, IAG/CPGPS GNSS+ Meeting, CGU Annual Meeting.

       · Key member of International GNSS Service (IGS) working group on PPP-AR

       · Member of Institute of Navigation (ION), USA

· Member of American Geophysical Union (AGU), USA

· Member of European Geosciences Union (EGU)

· Member of Royal Institute of Navigation, UK

       · General secretary for an Innovation China UK workshop held in Wuhan on October 22-23 in 2008

Journal reviews

· IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems since 2018

· Navigation ION since 2018

· Ocean Engineering since 2017

· Seismological Research Letter since 2017

· Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk since 2017

· Chinese Journal of Aeronautics since 2017

· IEEE Access since 2017

· Artificial Satellites since 2016

· European Geosciences Union Annales Geophysicae since 2016

· IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters since 2016

· Journal of Geospatial Information Science since 2016

· Journal of Global Positioning System since 2014

· The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering since 2014

· Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica since 2014

· Remote Sensing since 2014

· Scientific Reports since 2014

· Journal of Navigation since 2013

· Geophysical Journal International since 2013

· Journal of Asian Earth Sciences since 2013

· EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2013

· International Association of Geodesy Symposia 2012

· Sensors since 2012

· Advances in Space Research since 2012

· Earth Planets and Space since 2011

· Journal of Geodesy since 2010

· GPS solutions since 2009

        · Survey review since 2010

Peer-reviewed journal publications (*Corresponding authors, # students/postdoc supervised)

1. Ruhl CJ, Melgar D, Geng J, Goldberg DE, Crowell BW, Allen RM, Bock Y, Barrientos S, Riquelme S, Baez JC, Cabral-Cano E, Pérez-Campos X, Hill EM, Protti M, Ganas A, Ruiz M, Mothes P, Jarrín P, Nocquet J-M, Avouac J-P, D’Anastasio E (2018) A Global Database of Strong Motion Displacement GNSS Recordings and an Example Application to PGD Scaling. Seismo. Res. Lett. doi: 10.1785/0220180177

2. Shu Y, Fang R, Geng J, Zhao Q, Liu J (2018) Broadband velocities and displacements from integrated GPS and accelerometer data for high-rate seismogeodesy. Geophys. Res. Lett. 45, doi: 10.1029/2018GL079425

3. Zheng G, Lou Y*, Wang H, Geng J*, Shi C (2018) Shallow seismicity forecast for the India-Eurasia collision zone based on geodetic strain rates. Geophys. Res. Lett. 45, doi:10.1029/2018GL078814

4. Melgar D, Ruiz-Angulo A, Garcia ES, Manea M, Manea VC, Xu X, Ramirez-Herrera MT, Zavala-Hidalgo J, Geng J, Corona N, Pérez-Campos X, Cabral-Cano E, Ramirez-Guzman L (2018) Deep embrittlement and complete rupture of the lithosphere during the M8.2 Tehuantepec earthquake. Nature Geoscience doi:10.1038/s41561-018-0229-y

5. Geng J*, Li X, Zhao Q, Li G (2018) Inter-system PPP ambiguity resolution between GPS and BeiDou for rapid initialization. J. Geod. doi: 10.1007/s00190-018-1167-6

6. Crowell BW, Melgar D, Geng J (2018) Hypothetical Real-Time GNSS Modeling of the 2016 Mw 7.8 Kaikoura Earthquake: Perspectives from Ground Motion and Tsunami Inundation Prediction. Bull. Seismo. Soc. Am. doi:10.1785/0120170247

7. Crowell BW, Schmidt DA, Bodin P, Vidale, JE, Baker B, Barrientos S, Geng J (2018) G‐FAST Earthquake Early Warning Potential for Great Earthquakes in Chile. Seismo. Res. Lett. doi: 10.1785/0220170180

8. Wang G, Bao Y, Gan W, Geng J, Xiao G, Shen JS (2018) NChina16: A stable geodetic reference frame for geological hazard studies in North China. J. Geodyn. 115:10-22

9. Geng J*, Pan Y, Li X, Guo J, Liu J, Chen X, Zhang Y (2018) Noise characteristics of high-rate multi-GNSS for subdaily crustal deformation monitoring. J. Geophys. Res. 123, doi:10.1002/2018JB015527

10. Guo J#, Geng J* (2018) GPS satellite clock determination in case of inter-frequency clock biases for triple-frequency precise point positioning. J. Geod.92(10):1133-1142. doi:10.1007/s00190-017-1106-y

11. Zhao Q, Li X#, Liu Y, Geng J*, Liu J (2018) Undifferenced ionosphere-free ambiguity resolution using GLONASS data from inhomogeneous stations. GPS Solut. 22-26 doi:10.1007/s10291-017-0691-9

12. Melgar D, Riquelme S, Xu X, Baez J C, Geng J, Moreno M (2017) The first since 1960: A large event in the Valdivia segment of the Chilean Subduction Zone, the 2016 M7.6 Melinka earthquake. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2017.06.026

13. Geng J*, Jiang P, Liu J (2017) Integrating GPS with GLONASS for highrate seismogeodesy. Geophys. Res. Lett. 44, 3139-3146. doi:10.1002/2017GL072808

14. Melgar D, Ganas A, Geng J, Liang C, Fielding E, Kassaras I (2017) Source characteristics of the 2015 Mw6.5 Lefkada, Greece, strike-slip earthquake. J. Geophys. Res., 122, doi:10.1002/2016JB013452

15. Huang L, Zhang H, Xu P, Geng J, Wang C, Liu J (2017) Kriging with Unknown Variance Components for Regional Ionospheric Reconstruction. Sensors 17(3), 468, doi:10.3390/s17030468

16. Geng J*, Shi C (2017) Rapid initialization of real-time PPP by resolving undifferenced GPS and GLONASS ambiguities simultaneously. J. Geod.91(4):361-374, doi:10.1007/s00190-016-0969-7

17. Geng J, Zhao Q, Shi C, Liu J (2017) A review on the inter-frequency biases of GLONASS carrier-phase data. J. Geod.91(3):329-340, doi:10.1007/s00190-016-0967-9

18. Saunders JK, Goldberg DE, Haase JS, Bock Y, Offield DG, Melgar D, Restrepo J, Fleischman RB, Nema A, Geng J, Walls C, Mann D, Mattioli GS (2016) Seismogeodesy Using GPS and Low-Cost MEMS Accelerometers: Perspectives for Earthquake Early Warning and Rapid Response. Bull. Seismo. Soc. Am. 106(6) doi: 10.1785/0120160062

19. Riquelme S, Bravo F, Melgar D, Benavente R, Geng J, Barrientos S, Campos J (2016) W phase source inversion using highrate regional GPS data for large earthquakes. Geophys. Res. Lett.43, 3178-3185, doi:10.1002/ 2016GL068302

20. Melgar D, Fan W, Riquelme S, Geng J, Liang C, Fuentes M, Vargas G, Allen RM, Shearer PM, Fielding EJ (2016) Slip segmentation and slow rupture to the trench during the 2015, Mw8.3 Illapel, Chile earthquake. Geophys. Res. Lett.43, 961-966, doi:10.1002/2015GL067369

21. Melgar D, Allen RM, Riquelme S, Geng J, Bravo F, Carlos Baez J, Parra H, Barrientos S, Fang P, Bock Y, Bevis M, Caccamise DJ, Vigny C, Moreno M, Smalley Jr. R (2016) Local tsunami warnings: Perspectives from recent large events. Geophys. Res. Lett.43, 1109-1117, doi:10.1002/2015GL067100

22. Geng J*, Bock Y (2016) GLONASS fractional-cycle bias estimation across inhomogeneous receivers for PPP ambiguity resolution. J. Geod. 90(4):379-396, doi:10.1007/s00190-015-0879-0

23. Galetzka J, Melgar D, Genrich JF, Geng J, et al. (2015) Slip pulse and resonance of the Kathmandu basin during the 2015 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal. Science349(6252), 1091-1095

24. Melgar D, Crowell, BW, Geng J, Allen RM, Bock Y, Riquelme S, Hill EM, Protti M, Ganas A (2015) Earthquake magnitude calculation without saturation from the scaling of peak ground displacement. Geophys. Res. Lett.42(13), 5197-5205

25. Melgar D, Geng J, Crowell, BW, Haase JS, Bock Y, Hammond WC, Allen RM (2015) Seismogeodesy of the 2014 Mw6.1 Napa earthquake, California: Rapid response and modeling of fast rupture on a dipping strike-slip fault. J. Geophys. Res.120, 5013-5033, doi:10.1002/2015JB011921

26. Crowell BW, Melgar D, Bock Y, Haase JS, Geng J (2013) Earthquake magnitude scaling using seismogeodetic data. Geophys. Res. Lett.40, 6089-6094, doi:10.1002/2013GL058391

27. Geng J*, Melgar D, Bock Y, Pantoli E, Restrepo, J (2013) Recovering coseismic point ground tilts from collocated high-rate GPS and accelerometers. Geophys. Res. Lett.40, 5095-5100, doi:10.1002/grl.51001

28. Geng J*, Bock Y, Melgar D, Crowell B W, Haase J S (2013) A new seismogeodetic approach applied to GPS and accelerometer observations of the 2012 Brawley seismic swarms: Implications for earthquake early warning. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 14, 2124-2142, doi:10.1002/ggge.20144

29. Geng J*, Bock Y (2013) Triple-frequency GPS precise point positioning with rapid ambiguity resolution. J. Geod.87(5):449-460. (Erratum in 10.1007/s00190-013-0667-7)

30. Geng J*, Williams SDP, Teferle FN, Dodson AH (2012). Detecting storm surge loading deformations around the southern North Sea using subdaily GPS. Geophys. J. Int.191(2):569-578

31. Geng J*, Shi C, Ge M, Dodson AH, Lou Y, Zhao Q, Liu J (2012) Improving the estimation of fractional-cycle biases for ambiguity resolution in precise point positioning. J. Geod.86(8):579-589

32. Geng J*, Meng X, Dodson AH, Ge M, Teferle FN (2010) Rapid re-convergences to ambiguity-fixed solutions in precise point positioning. J. Geod.84(12):705-714

33. Geng J*, Meng X, Dodson AH, Teferle FN (2010) Integer ambiguity resolution in precise point positioning: Method comparison. J. Geod., 84(9):569-581

34. Geng J*, Teferle FN, Meng X, Dodson AH (2011) Towards PPP-RTK: Ambiguity resolution in real-time precise point positioning. Adv. Space Res.47(10):1664-1673

35. Shi C, Lou Y, Zhang H, Zhao Q, Geng J, Wang R, Fang R, Liu J (2010) Seismic deformation of the M-w 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake from high-rate GPS observations. Adv. Space Res.46(2):228-235

36. Geng J*, Teferle FN, Meng X, Dodson AH (2010) Kinematic precise point positioning at remote marine platforms. GPS solut.14(4):343-350

37. Geng J*, Meng X, Teferle FN, Dodson AH (2010) Performance of precise point positioning with ambiguity resolution for 1- to 4-hour observation periods. Surv. Rev.42(316):155-165

38. Geng J*, Teferle FN, Shi C, Meng X, Dodson AH, Liu J (2009) Ambiguity resolution in precise point positioning with hourly data. GPS solut.13(4):263-270

Abstracts and presentations

1. “Atmosphere mitigation in precise point positioning ambiguity resolution for earthquake early warning in the western U.S.”, AGU Fall Meeting, 15-19 Dec. 2014, San Francisco, CA, USA

2. “Tightly-coupled real-time analysis of GPS and accelerometer data for translational and rotational ground motions and application to earthquake and tsunami early warning”, AGU Fall Meeting, 9-13 Dec. 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA

3. “From scaling relationships to near-source tsunami models: complete characterization of ground motion and earthquake hazards with seismogeodesy”, SCEC Annual Meeting, 8-11 Sep. 2013, Hilton Palm Springs, CA, USA

4. “Recovering coseismic point tilts from collocated GPS and accelerometers”, the 3rd International Working Group on Rotational Seismology, 22-25 Sep. 2013, Christchurch, New Zealand

5. “From dual- to triple-frequency PPP: method, problems and application in California”, PPP workshop: reaching the full potential, 12-14 Jun. 2013, Ottawa, Canada

6. “Precise point positioning: current state and future perspectives”, CSRC Coordinating Council Meeting, 16 May 2013, San Diego, CA, USA

7. “Ambiguity-fixed GPS precise point positioning for earthquake and tsunami early warning in Western North America”, AGU Fall Meeting, 3–7 Dec., San Francisco, CA, USA

8. “A real-time ambiguity-fixed precise point positioning system in southern California and its possible improvement with multi-frequency GPS measurements”, the 25th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, 17-21 Sep. 2012, Nashville, TN, USA

9. “Impact of non-tidal ocean loading on GPS height time series”, China Satellite Navigation Conference, 15-19 Jun. 2012, Guangzhou, China

10. “Real-time ambiguity-fixed precise point positioning (PPP) system for southern California”, workshop on real-time GPS position data, products and formats, 26-28 Mar. 2012, Boulder, CO, USA

11. “Un-calibrated Phase Biases for Precise Point Positioning Integer Ambiguity Resolution”, workshop on GNSS biases, 18-19 Jan. 2012, Bern, Switzerland

12. “Ambiguity resolution in precise point positioning: what method should we use for Geosciences?”, EGU General Assembly, 3-8 Apr. 2011, Vienna, Austria

13. “Towards a global centimeter-level GPS positioning for UAV operations”, UAV NAV Symposium: Navigation Alone, 1 Feb. 2011, London, UK

14.  “Towards PPP-RTK on a global scale for geo-hazard monitoring”, IGS Workshop, 28 Jun.-2 Jul. 2010, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

15. “Developments towards GNSS real-time service in GFZ”, EUREF 2010 Symposium, 3-5 Jun. 2010, Gavle, Sweden

16. “The November 9 2007 storm surge: a geodetic perspective”, NTSLF-Challenger Society Symposium, Royal Society, 2-3 Nov. 2009, UK

17. “Precise point positioning – Do we need RTK GPS in the future?” NAV09, 12 Nov. 2009, Nottingham, UK

18. “Rapid re-convergence in real-time precise point positioning with ambiguity resolution”, the 22nd International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, 22-25 Sep. 2009, Savannah, GA, USA

19. “Ambiguity resolution in precise point positioning: enabling new applications in Geosciences”, BGA Postgraduate Research in Progress Meeting, 10-11 Sep. 2009, London, UK

20. “Continental centimetric real-time precise point positioning with ambiguity resolution”, General Assembly of International Association of Geodesy, 31 Aug - 4 Sep. 2009, Buenos Aires, Argentina

21.  “Continental centimetric real-time precise point positioning with ambiguity resolution”, European Navigation Conference, 3-6 May 2009, Naples, Italy

22. “Real-time precise point positioning with ambiguity resolution for Geosciences” & “Precise point positioning ambiguity resolution: Are we there yet?” European Geosciences Union conference, 18-24 Apr 2009, Vienna, Austria

23. “Ambiguity resolution in precise point positioning for sub-cm precision with hourly data” & “Possible detection of ocean loading deformation associated with the 9 November 2007 North sea storm surge using GPS: preliminary results”, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 15-19 Dec. 2008, San Francisco, USA

24. “Hourly precise point positioning with ambiguity resolution”, the Navigation Conference & Exhibition NAV08/ILA37, 28-30 Oct. 2008, London, UK

25. “Application of real-time precise point positioning and GIS for rail track deformation monitoring of the Qinghai-Tibet railway”, the 11th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 12-15 Oct. 2008, Beijing, China

26. “Performance of hourly precise point positioning with ambiguity resolution”, the 21st International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, 16-19 Sep. 2008, Savannah, USA

27. “A prototype for real-time crustal deformation monitoring using precise point positioning with ambiguity resolution”, the Sichuan Earthquake Workshop: preliminary results of GNSS/InSAR for monitoring the Sichuan Earthquake on 12 May, 26 Jun. 2008, Wuhan, China

28. “Ambiguity resolution in precise point positioning for sub-cm precision with hourly data”, New Navigator Seminar, 18 Jun. 2008, London, UK

29. “A novel real-time data screening approach in urban navigation”, the European Navigation Conference, 23-25 Apr. 2008, Toulouse, France

30. “Precise orbit determination of COSMIC constellation from double POD antennas”, the XXIV IUGG General Assembly, 2-13 Jul. 2007, Perugia, Italy

31. “Integrated adjustment of LEO and GPS with PANDA in precision orbit determination”, the 19th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, 26-29 Sep. 2006, Fort Worth, TX, USA

32. “Integrated adjustment of LEO and GPS in precision orbit determination”, the VI Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Theoretical and Computational Geodesy, 29 May-2 Jun. 2006, Wuhan, China

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