
The National Key Research and Development Program "Componentized Flexible Integrated Navigation and Control Key Technology and Application Verification" project mid-term review meeting was successfully held

Date:[2024-06-03] Clicks:[2100]

    Recently, the mid-term review meeting for the national key R&D program, "Earth Observation and Navigation" key special project, "Componentized Flexible Integrated Navigation and Control Key Technology and Application Verification" project mid-term review meeting was successfully held. The mid-term review meetings for Subject 1 and 2 was took place on May 26, 2024, at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, while the meetings for subject 3 and 4 was held on June 1, 2024, at Hunan University.
    Six experts, including Professor Li Bofeng of Tongji University, Professor Xu Tianhe of Shandong University, Professor Niu Xiaoji of Wuhan University, Professor Song Shuli of Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, and Professor Sun Rui of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, were invited to review Subject 1 and 2. For Subject 3 and 4, other six experts were invited, including Professor Li Zishen of the Aerospace Information Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor Guo Wenfei of Wuhan University, Professor Zhuang Yuan of Wuhan University, Associate Professor Zhao Xiaoguang of Tsinghua University, Professor Wang Bo of Beijing Institute of Technology, and Associate Researcher Hu Gaoge of Northwestern Polytechnical University. The experts reviewed the implementation progress, funding usage, and completion of mid-term review indicators.
    The four Subject leaders, Professor Geng Jianghui, Professor Wu Yuanxin, Professor Shi Hang, and Professor Cheng Hui, respectively reported the progress of each Subject and the completion of mid-term review indicators. The expert group members conducted on-site inspections of the software, hardware, and experimental results completed so far. They questioned the completion status of the topics, affirmed the progress and staged results achieved, pointed out current deficiencies or delayed tasks in the research, and provided guidance and suggestions for the subsequent work content and progress. The project's mid-term review achieved the expected goals, and the meeting concluded successfully.


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