
Professor Wang Guoquan from University of Houston visited the GNSS Center

Date:[2024-06-14] Clicks:[1862]

On 13 June 2024, Professor Wang Guoquan of the University of Houston visited GNSS Center. Professor Fang Rongxing, Researcher Wang and other scholars and experts and students attended the exchange meeting.

Professor Wang Guoquan gave a lecture entitled "Elastic and inelastic settlement of expansive soils induced by extreme climatic events: GPS observations", in which he introduced in detail the regional ground settlement phenomenon based on GPS monitoring arrays and investigated the long-term deformation behavior of expansive soils. This work provides new information and analytical perspectives for the study of local ground stability in the context of drought.

The atmosphere of the exchange meeting was warm, and both sides carried out in-depth exchanges and full discussions on the contents of the report, which effectively promoted the Centre's teachers and students to have a comprehensive knowledge and in-depth understanding of the phenomenon of land surface deformation in the context of global warming.


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