
【2019】Geng J, Chen X, Pan Y, Mao S, Li c ,Zhou J, Zhang K,"PRIDE PPP-AR: an Open-source Software for GPS PPP Ambiguity Resolution",GPS solutions

发布时间:[2019-07-25] 来源:[学院] 点击量:[655]

The PRIDE Lab at GNSS Research Center of Wuhan University has developed an opensource software for GPS precise point positioning ambiguity resolution (PPP-AR) (i.e., PRIDE PPPAR). Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3, http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html), PRIDE PPP-AR supports relevant research, application and development with GPS post-processing PPP-AR. PRIDE PPP-AR is mainly composed of two modules, undifferenced GPS processing and single-station ambiguity resolution. Undifferenced GPS processing provides float solutions with wide-lane and narrow-lane ambiguity estimates. Later, single-station ambiguity resolution makes use of the phase clock/bias products, which are released also by the PRIDE Lab at ftp://igs.gnsswhu.cn/pub/whu/phasebias/, to recover the integer nature of single-station ambiguities and then carry out integer ambiguity resolution. PRIDE PPP-AR is based on a least-squares estimator to produce daily, sub-daily or kinematic solutions for various geophysical applications. To facilitate the usage of this software, a few userfriendly shell scripts for batch processing have also been provided along with PRIDE PPP-AR. In this article, we use one month of GPS data (days 001-031 in 2018) to demonstrate the performance of PRIDE PPP-AR software. The PRIDE Lab is committed to consistently improve the software package and keep users updated through our website. 


Geng J, Chen X, Pan Y, Mao S, Li C, Zhou J, Zhang K (2019) PRIDE PPP-AR: an open-source software for GPS PPP ambiguity resolution. GPS Solut 23(4):91. doi:10.1007/s10291-019-0888-1. 

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