
【2020】Banville S, Geng J, Loyer S, Schaer S, Springer T, Strasser S (2020) On the interoperability of IGS products for precise point positioning with ambiguity resolution

发布时间:[2021-01-20] 来源:[学院] 点击量:[408]

Techniques enabling precise point positioning with ambiguity resolution (PPP-AR) were developed over a decade ago. Several analysis centers of the International GNSS Service (IGS) have implemented such strategies into their software packages and are generating (experimental) PPP-AR products including satellite clock and bias corrections. While the IGS combines individual orbit and clock products as standard to provide a more reliable solution, interoperability of these new PPP-AR products must be confirmed before they can be combined. As a first step, all products are transformed into a common observable-specific representation of biases. It is then confirmed that consistency is only ensured by considering both clock and bias products simultaneously. As a consequence, the satellite clock combination process currently used by the IGS must be revisited to consider not only clocks but also biases. A combination of PPP-AR products from six analysis centers over a one-week period is successfully achieved, showing that alignment of phase clocks can be achieved with millimeter precision thanks to the integer properties of the clocks. In the positioning domain, PPP-AR solutions for all products show improved longitude estimates of daily static positions by nearly 60% over float solutions. The combined products generally provide equivalent or better results than individual analysis center contributions, for both static and kinematic solutions.

版权所有:武汉大学卫星导航定位技术研究中心pride课题组 当前访问量:128871 技术支持:武汉楚玖科技有限公司